How is this site

runs on the edge

It uses cloudflare's edge network to deliver content across the globe with exceptional performance, reliability, and scale. can be accessed within milliseconds from almost anywhere in the world.

security & privacy

Strict, full end-to-end encryption is used, meaning all messages passed between the website and the client are encrypted the entire time. TLS v1.3 is enforced, which provides more security and speed.

green is environment conscious. 100% powered by renewable energy with net zero emissions.

speed is built for speed. It is rendered on both the client and server side to maximize performance.

How does it


Most websites have an "origin" server where the application is hosted. This website is hosted on cloudflare's world-wide distributed network. That means that it is able to recieve and process requests very quickly from anywhere in the world. This provides blazing fast speed and reliable load balancing.

V8 Isolates is being hosted on Cloudflare Workers, which provide a network of JavasScript V8 Isolates. Isolates have a lot of benefits than traditional Node.js processes. They are more secure, have much faster startup times, including 0ms cold starts, and use significantly less memory than Node.js instances. They don't have to use expensive containers or VMs.

Dual Rendering

At its base, this site uses server side rendering — data is loaded in parallel on the server and sends a fully formed HTML document. This improves performance for users on a slow machine or with a poor network connection. This site also leverages client side rendering. Some components or site interactions are rendered by the client, depending on how flexible they need to be. Combining SSR and CSR takes the best of both worlds, which improve metrics such as TTFB, FCP, LCP, TTI, TBT, CLS.